
You can leave your comments here about this program:

  • cool features that are missing
  • Things to improve
  • Performance
  • unnecessary functions
  • Ergonomics
  • Quality / realistic of the rendering of panoramas
  • Bugs
  • and anything you consider relevant.

Thank you in advance.

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  1. Great program!!! I was for a while looking for something like this. Congratulations!
    I’m running the jar on Ubuntu 20.04, and it works nicely. Although with a few minor problems.
    One of them is that when I create a panorama, the pop-up window with the cropping framing has transparency, and the image looks heavily overexposed. As I change the framing, the brightness of each redraw of the image adds up until it is all white. If I save the image, it looks fine.
    I would suggest a couple features:
    1.- Be able to move group to a separate folder without the need of creating the panorama (in case one wants to use other software for the panorama stitching)
    2.- A button to set the cropping boundaries to the maximum extent (so I can do the cropping and photo adjustment in an external photoediting software)

    1. Hello
      Thank you for reporting this issue. I don’t use Linux by i will try to reproduce.
      However, your suggestions are already implemented:
      1) Right click on a group and select “Copy all group images” or “Move all group images”.
      2) On the panorama windows, click the icon near the close button to show hide the cropping.
      Hope this help.

  2. Why when the program is analyzing images, the message “an unexpect error has been thrown. the error message is GC overhead limit exceeded” appears? It’s as if the program crashes. How to solve this problem?

    1. This occurs when you have a large number of images and the available memory is too small to process all.
      If you have a 64 bit version, double click on the memory bar at the top right and increase the allocated memory size.
      Restart the program and try again.

  3. compare one set of images against other set of images, that would be nice

    sometimes i hit the play button by accident, can u prevent the play button to get focus after a task?

    thank you

  4. II love this program! Thank you! Is there any way to remove “confirm deletion”, so that it immediately deletes without having to confirm? This just takes so much more time.

    1. Hello
      You can input more than one folder by putting a ‘;’ between each path.
      c:\myPath ; f:\anOterPath ; c:\aThirdPath

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